Friday, 17 May 2013

Non-Fiction Friday - "If I had a Mary Poppins Bag..."

Home Away From Home

If I had a Mary Poppins bag? What would I do? I don’t even have to think about that answer - I’d attend more parties. I’m introverted enough to stay home, but extroverted enough to miss people when I do; I’m extroverted enough to gather socially, but introverted enough to feel weird and out of place. A bag that’s bigger on the inside could solve this problem for me; It could be my social companion. I know there are so many practical uses for a bottomless carpetbag, but I wouldn’t use it to carry lamps or books or the entire contents of my bathroom; I’d turn it into a cave, and whenever I felt awkward, I’d cozy up in that floral tapestry, take some deep breaths, and think of the witty things I will say in roughly fifteen minutes when I feel like being around people again. It would solve the problem of feeling uncomfortable locking myself in the bathroom or spare bedroom for said duration, it would be all feng shui inside which would help me chill out more efficiently, and if people ask where I was I’ll just say “in my Mary Poppins bag” and if they ask more questions, I'll have my witty comebacks ready! It would also make travelling much easier and cost effective... but I digress.

1 comment:

  1. The Mary Poppins Bag is genius. Sort of like a Harry Potter-esque portable hide out. Kate and I always say we like to be in a quiet nook someplace busy. That way we can be alone without feeling alone.
